This ingenious device would allow any private detective and private investigator to accumulate accurate evidence from all text messages sent or received by the phone. As text data can be a crucial portion of most investigations this spy phone could be invaluable to private detectives and private investigators in their quest to solve a case. The phone might be given to a partner or employee if they were suspected of deception.
The spy telephone is set up with all the software program when purchased and comes with all the original accessories and directions so no one would suspect their texts were becoming monitored. As soon as the telephone is set up, copies of all the texts sent or received could be sent to a private detective or private investigator to figure out the truth about a case. The spy telephone might be used anywhere within the world, on any network and no access is needed to the SIM card. Even if a person modifications the SIM card a text message will probably be sent to the private detective or private investigator to let them know the new number.